
CQ Lessons and Challenge HGTV

Page history last edited by Jody Cull 14 years, 8 months ago

HGTV Board - CQ Lessons and Challenge 


Sharon Boggon has been a generous resource and contributor to our CQ Lessons, without the support of people like Sharon these lessons would not be possible.


For more Crazy Quilting information visit her web sites Inaminuteago and Pin Tangle

If you are looking for lessons check out her workshops and classes.


CQLessons and Challenge - Supply List: Needles, Fibers, Beads, Charms, etc. needed for the HGTV Board - CQ Lessons and Challenge


CQ Success Strips - How to Use and Where to Purchase


Presenter: DecPainter (Carolyn)

Success Strips Tutorial


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 1: Assembling your block and adding a fan

Presenters: Brinnsmom (Tami) and DecPainter (Carolyn)



1. Make your block

2. Make a fan section

Make sure to post results on Flickr


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 2: Basic Stitches

Presenter: MNGrandma (Sherry)



1. Make a sampler

2. Try each of the basic stitches using three different threads for each one. Try at least 2 variations of each that are listed at the bottom of the links for each. Pick out 4 of your favorites and use them on 4 of the seams of your CQ Block. Post your results in Flickr.


CQLessons and Challenge-Lesson 3: Enhanced Basic Stitches

Presenters: MNGrandma (Sherry) and CQWannabe (Jody)


__TYPO in this Lesson, at the end talking about "Stem Stitches" to outline image on fabric. It should say Perle Cotton #8 not #3. You can use different thicknesses of Perle Cotton but the sample is stitched with #3.__


1. Do 10 stitch combination on your sampler...try to do original combination that you haven't seen in books, etc. Pick out your favorite two and put them on your block. Post your pictures in Flickr.


Presenter: CQWannabe (Jody)

CQLesson3.Cretan stitch with French knot

The basic page image for this lesson was scanned from Linda Causee's "An Encyclopedia of Crazy Quilt Stitches and Motifs". This lesson was written in response to a question posted on the HGTV CQLessons and Challenge thread.


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 4: Basic Beading and Links to beading and charm online stores, blogs, and tutorials.

Presenters: Mttlr (Kathy) and CQWannabe (Jody)



1. Add 10 stitches to your sampler or another piece of fabric using beads in some way.

2. Add 2 of your favorites to your block.


Lesson 4: Additional Bead Information/Inspiration - Including Shawkl's "Beaded Buttons"


Presenter: Shawkl (Kathy)

Kathy has created a beading techniques/information/inspiration lesson. The photos are from web site searches, CQ blocks from CQ Magazine Online, the hummingbird is from the most recent Inspirations Magazine. All others are from various commercial sources. Comments, descriptions, and information written by Shawkl (Kathy).

Bead Information/Inspiration.pdf

Bead information/Inspiration.doc


Presenter: Shawkl (Kathy)

Beaded Button Tutorial - PDF


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 5: Beads, Bead Stitches, and Bead Motifs

Presenters: MNGrandma (Sherry) and CQWannabe (Jody)

Reference/Source: beading crazy quilting, Cindy Gorder



1. Make 5 beaded combination using 3 colors of beads or 2 types of beads for each.

2. Make a beaded motif

3. Add two of the above to your quilt block




CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 6: Spider Webs and Spiders

Presenter: DecPainter (Carolyn)

Contributors: Fishingwidow (Mary), goaskmom (Margie), Birgit, and Shey

Lesson6.spider webs and spiders.pdf

Lesson6.spider webs and spiders WORD doc

(Content is the same in both files, choose WORD or PDF format)


1. stitch a spider on your sampler, using the techniques from HGTV Group CQ Lesson/Challenge Lesson 6

2. stitch web on your sampler, using the techniques from HGTV Group CQ Lesson/Challenge Lesson 6.

3. Stitch the web and spider as a combination on your CQ block, using the techniques from HGTV Group CQ Lesson/Challenge Lesson 6.


Remember to post photos on the flickr site.


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 7: Silk ribbon embroidery, plus a few types of roses, etc.

Presenter: MNGrandma (Sherry)

Contributor: CQwannabe (Jody)

CQLesson_woven roses.pdf


Contributor: Nickilee (Nicklee)


Nickilee posted a beautiful silk rose and rose bud motif on the HGTV board. With her permission that BONUS to lesson 7 is posted here as a pdf download.


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 8: More flowers, leaves, etc.

Presenter: DecPainter (Carolyn)


Presenter: DecPainter (Carolyn)

CQLesson_hollyhocks and larkspur.pdf


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 9: Ruching, braids, couching, and rick rack, prairie points

Presenter: CQwannabe (Jody)


Presenter: Mttlr (Kathy)



Ric Rak - Please see the article in the July 2008 issue of CQMagOnline.com: A Little R&R by Lynn Schoeffler © 2008


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 10: Introducing motifs - ideas/instructions for creating motifs on your crazy quilt blocks

Presenter: DecPainter (Carolyn)

lesson10.Button and Bead Motifs (Microsoft WORD doc.)

lesson10.Button and Bead Motifs (PDF)


Presenter: SHAWKL (Kathy)

lesson10.Detatched Blanket Stitch.pdf


Presenter: Nickilee (Nickilee)

lesson10.Lazy Daisy Heart Motifs


Presenter: SHAWKL (Kathy)

lesson10.Teddy Bear.pdf


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 11: Using sequins

Part 1: Sequin Butterfly

Presenter: mttlr (Kathy)

butterfly sequin lesson 11.doc

butterfly sequin lesson 11.pdf


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 12: Cast-on-stitches, Bullion Roses and other unique items

Bullion Roses

Presenter: shawkl (Kathy)

BullionLesson 12.pdf


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 13: Bead tassles and button loops, button groups as a motif , adding charms, shells, etc.


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 14: Photo printing, adding photos and how to embellish them


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 15: Dying laces and lace motifs


CQLessons and Challenge - Lesson 16, 17, 18 etc.: to be announced


Click on the links to open the Lesson page. If you would like to save the Lesson to your computer, go to the "File" menu and select "Save As". Select where on your computer you want the file saved and click "Save"


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Comments (20)

Jean Kass said

at 10:06 am on Dec 30, 2008

I could not access the Pansy CQLesson in Lesson 8. Is there a way to get this info on the pansy? I can't tell you how much I enjoyed all of the info you have presented here. I'm new to CQ and loved it. Thanks so much.

Jean Kass

Jody Cull said

at 10:45 am on Dec 30, 2008

Jean, Thank you for the "heads up" on the broken link to the Pansy CQ Lesson. It is a beautiful lesson, I created one of the ribbon pansys and posted it on my flickr site.

The link has been repaired. I will be checking the whole site over the next few weeks to make sure all links are "LIVE". Hopefully adding some new info by the beginning of Feb. 2009.


Jean Kass said

at 10:58 am on Dec 31, 2008

You are so welcome, Jody. I'm looking forward to your new info. BTW, my hubb had mylar sheets for the copier. I was able to copy the stitch templates from the paper print out to the mylar with no problems. Thans for all of your help and all of your wonderful info.


Amber Rutz said

at 6:38 pm on Jan 9, 2009

I don't seem to be able to download the Bead Information PDF file after lesson 4 nor lesson 5. Is it my computer, or is there a problem? Thanks. Amber

Amber Rutz said

at 6:48 pm on Jan 9, 2009

Let's add Lesson 9 Couching to the list I just sent.

Amber Rutz said

at 7:44 pm on Jan 9, 2009

OK, I got everything to download except Lesson 5 Couching. I rebooted and that solved most of the problems. Amber

Jody Cull said

at 8:47 am on Jan 10, 2009

Amber, I have "relinked" Lesson 9 Couching. The PDF downloads and opens or can be opened once it is saved to your computer.

Jackie G. said

at 5:36 pm on Feb 11, 2009

The spider web tutorial is excellent! The knowledge I obtain by being a quilter never ceases to amaze me. Bungee jumping spiders......... Who knew.....? Also Nickilee the Fancy heart motif is lovely, I can hardly wait to try it. It seems so manageable when its broken down into step by step pieces. Thanks for sharing!

Jackie in Washington

Jody Cull said

at 6:29 am on Feb 12, 2009

Yes, that group of ladies that contributed the spider web lesson do some awesome spider webs & spiders!!! Look at the "2008 One Block Swap, Favorite Things", there are some blocks there with spider webs and spiders made with beads.

Amber Rutz said

at 7:26 pm on Apr 20, 2009

It has been a long time since I first found this site. I am wondering why the lessons stop at 11, but show that 13, 14, 15, etc. will be added. Do I need to do something to visit these lessons, or are they just not there? I am especially interested in lesson 13 because of the bullion stitch. Thanks. Amber phina47@netzero.net

Jody Cull said

at 8:53 pm on Apr 20, 2009

Hi Amber, sorry there has been a delay in the lessons. More lessons will be added sometime in May. The "Creative Crazy Ladies" that write up these lessons have been busy with classes, swaps, round robins, and getting ready for a retreat. The HGTV CQ Round Robin will end, with everyone's blocks coming home between now and mid May. As the CQ RR blocks are arriving home, a great "Fashion Show" will be posted here. It will provide some GREAT eyecandy and some awesome inspiration.

Thank you for checking in, hope you've had time to do some CQing.

pinecone said

at 8:03 pm on May 6, 2009

I think I will have fun with this new venture. Lesson 1 took 12 minutes to download on dial-up however. Guess I better take inventory of my laces and suitable fabrics. Is metallic brocade ok to use? I got interested at the COF retreat and saw all the pretties face to face.

Jody Cull said

at 10:22 pm on May 6, 2009

Yes, metallic brocade is ok to use. Sorry the download took so long. If you have trouble downloading any of the lessons let me know, I can break the PDF's into smaller files. ie: if the lesson is 6 pages I can split it into two 3 page PDFs etc.

pinecone said

at 8:06 pm on May 7, 2009

Thanks, Jody. I went in to town to visit the ribbon store with new eyes. There were many to choose from and it seems that I gravitate towards the jewel tones. Now to practice some embroidery. I'll just go have a cuppa while lessons download.

Amber Rutz said

at 10:41 am on May 23, 2009

I am unable to open Lesson 10: Lazy Daisy Heart Motifs. The message says the link is broken and can't be fixed.

Jody Cull said

at 3:50 pm on May 23, 2009

I have just "relinked" the Lesson 10: Lazy Daisy Heart Motif PDF. You should be able to download it now.

Eileene said

at 8:18 pm on Jun 2, 2011

Hi, I can't get the pansy / hollyhocks to open up at all. Its in lesson 8. I'm wondering when we will get the rest of the lessons. Eileene

Jody Cull said

at 5:34 am on Jun 3, 2011

Eileene, I get the pansy/hollyhocks lesson fixed today.

Eileene said

at 8:10 am on Jun 3, 2011

Jody, I finally got the hollyhocks downloaded , but the pansy just won't come up. It just giv es me a white screen. Eileene

Eileene said

at 7:38 pm on Jun 10, 2011

Jody, when will we get some more lessons. I'm ready !!! Eileene

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