Thank you to COF 2009 Committee: Nickilee, Quiltingnewbie2, Auntie Reba, OwenJulesMommy, Mrs. C, and Ely, for a fabulous retreat and great schedule of classes.
Thank you COF 2009 Teachers: OwenJulesMommy, FishingWidow, Shawkl, Ithinksew, Shey, IowaLisa, Jayardi, QuiltBea, Sassyneedlepusher, ToryAM, Chanlady, Brinnsmom, Nickilee, and Alexemmarose.
Thank you all for sharing your time and talent with us at the COF.
Machine Quilting - Jayardi
Binding & HST – Jayardi
Paper Pieceing – Shey
Overlay Hand Applique – QuiltBea
Redwork – Sassyneedlepusher
Shadow Applique – Shawkl
ATC (Artist Trading Cards) & Inchies – ToryAM
Fabric Postcards & Hidden seam pillowcases – Chanlady
Stumpwork, Bullions etc. – Brinnsmom
CQ Foundations & CQ Stitches – Shawkl
CQ Lazy Daisy Heart – Nicki Lee - This lesson is currently posted here on the CQ wiki.
Scroll to Presenter: Nickilee (Nickilee)lesson10.Lazy Daisy Heart Motifs
Needle Tatting – IthinkSew
Shuttle Tatting – IowaLisa
Polymer Clay faces - Alexemmarose
Silk Ribbon Embroidery & CQ Spiders & spider webs - FishingWidow
(As always, this information is for personal use, if you want to share in a class please ask the author for permission.)
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Comments (1)
Eileene said
at 7:47 am on May 1, 2009
I get a lot out of the lessons and I thank you for all of them. Eileene aka noiseynana
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